Which are the best insurance awards to enter?

Which are the best insurance awards to enter?

chris robinson

Chris Robinson

Founder & MD, Boost Awards

Which insurance awards should you enter? 

If you work in, or supply to, the insurance sector, then the good news is there is a fantastic choice of insurance awards to enter – and we’re not just talking about the most famous, like The British Insurance Awards and The Insurance Times Awards. However, with this choice comes a challenge – unless you have an unlimited budget, you’re going to have to be choosy. This article will help you pick which insurance awards to enter, and if you still aren’t sure which awards to choose or need help writing your entries, then please contact us and we can discuss ways of increasing your chances of winning.

Before we list the specific awards, I first just want to clarify just why the insurance sector loves awards so much. We ran some consumer research in partnership with Fly Research – the findings revealed that 79% of consumers would be influenced by a relevant award win when choosing between similarly priced insurers. In a sector that’s hard to stand out in for anything other than price, entering insurance awards is a comparatively inexpensive way of getting noticed.

This helps to explain why there are so many awards for insurers to choose from. In fact, in our database of over 5,000 awards, there are no less than 137 awards schemes which have categories for insurance providers. These fall into five camps, which we will cover in the article.

The best of the UK insurance industry awards

Our database of financial services industry awards is simply huge, but it does cover banking, mortgages, investment, lending, pensions, employee benefits, and of course, insurance. Of all these, insurance has the most – 27 award schemes just for this one industry. Is it any wonder insurers have to be picky? They could wipe out their entire budget on just their own industry awards.


Financial service awards (not specific to insurance)

The number of insurance industry awards is eclipsed by a vast array of financial services awards. Most of these are specific to one sub-sector or another, such as those listed earlier (mortgages, pensions etc.), but there are a few schemes which are more open. 34 of these have insurance-specific categories, of which our favourites are:


insurance awards

“We ran some consumer research…the findings revealed that 79% of consumers would be influenced by a relevant award win when choosing between similarly priced insurers. In a sector that’s hard to stand out in for anything other than price, entering insurance awards is a comparatively inexpensive way of getting noticed.”

Awards for insurance departments/disciplines

First of all, let’s look at the departmental awards specific to insurance, where the names speak for themselves:

Now let’s look at our favourite departmental awards, which specifically name check insurance:

Finally, here are the awards for corporate social responsibility:

This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t go for a cross-industry award scheme, but for the benefit of focus, we zoomed in on schemes which explicitly cater for the insurance sector.

Awards for other industry sectors

For every insurance-specific award scheme there is an award scheme for a non-insurance, non-financial industry, which has a category for an insurance provider to this industry. There are 23 schemes like this within our database, with four industries being particularly welcoming to insurance entrants:

The legal sector does like to reach out to the insurance sector, with four schemes offering insurance categories:

Then there’s property and construction, which includes two schemes:

Then one for healthcare:

And three for travel and transport:

General business awards

We have identified 16 insurance-specific categories of general business awards. Three schemes are particularly popular:

As you can see, there are plenty of options for gaining recognition for excellence within the insurance sector. I hope you have found this article a useful starting point for awards to consider, but should you need help planning which awards to enter, or indeed need help writing your award entries, I strongly recommend using Boost’s team of award entry experts. As the world’s first and largest award entry consultancy, we have helped our clients, including some of the biggest names in the UK Insurance industry, win over 2,000 awards. 

I have personally helped companies enter and win many of the awards outlined above. I would be happy to give you a call to help you double check your chances of success and explain our pricing options. You can contact Boost via our contact form or email me directly via chris.robinson@boost-awards.co.uk

I look forward to hearing from you.


Next steps and further research

chris robinson

Chris Robinson

Founder & MD, Boost Awards

Which insurance awards should you enter? 

If you work in, or supply to, the insurance sector, then the good news is there is a fantastic choice of insurance awards to enter – and we’re not just talking about the most famous, like The British Insurance Awards and The Insurance Times Awards. However, with this choice comes a challenge – unless you have an unlimited budget, you’re going to have to be choosy. This article will help you pick which insurance awards to enter, and if you still aren’t sure which awards to choose or need help writing your entries, then please contact us and we can discuss ways of increasing your chances of winning.

Before we list the specific awards, I first just want to clarify just why the insurance sector loves awards so much. We ran some consumer research in partnership with Fly Research – the findings revealed that 79% of consumers would be influenced by a relevant award win when choosing between similarly priced insurers. In a sector that’s hard to stand out in for anything other than price, entering insurance awards is a comparatively inexpensive way of getting noticed.

This helps to explain why there are so many awards for insurers to choose from. In fact, in our database of over 4,000 awards, there are no less than 137 awards schemes which have categories for insurance providers. These fall into five camps, which we will cover in the article.

The best of the UK insurance industry awards

Our database of financial services industry awards is simply huge, but it does cover banking, mortgages, investment, lending, pensions, employee benefits, and of course, insurance. Of all these, insurance has the most – 27 award schemes just for this one industry. Is it any wonder insurers have to be picky? They could wipe out their entire budget on just their own industry awards.

Financial service awards (not specific to insurance)

The number of insurance industry awards is eclipsed by a vast array of financial services awards. Most of these are specific to one sub-sector or another, such as those listed earlier (mortgages, pensions etc.), but there are a few schemes which are more open. 34 of these have insurance-specific categories, of which our favourites are:

Awards for insurance departments/disciplines

First of all, let’s look at the departmental awards specific to insurance, where the names speak for themselves:

Now let’s look at our favourite departmental awards, which specifically name check insurance:

Finally, here are the awards for corporate social responsibility:

This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t go for a cross-industry award scheme, but for the benefit of focus, we zoomed in on schemes which explicitly cater for the insurance sector.

insurance awards

“The truth is simple – it is a sector increasingly hard to differentiate in for anything other than price. Some consumer research…discovered that 79% of consumers would be influenced by a relevant award win when choosing between similarly priced insurers. So there is a comparatively inexpensive way to differentiate your offering after all – insurance awards.”

Awards for other industry sectors

For every insurance-specific award scheme there is an award scheme for a non-insurance, non-financial industry, which has a category for an insurance provider to this industry. There are 23 schemes like this within our database, with four industries being particularly welcoming to insurance entrants:

The legal sector does like to reach out to the insurance sector, with four schemes offering insurance categories:

Then there’s property and construction, which includes two schemes:

Then one for healthcare:

And three for travel and transport:

General business awards

We have identified 16 insurance-specific categories of general business awards. Three schemes are particularly popular:

As you can see, there are plenty of options for gaining recognition for excellence within the insurance sector. I hope you have found this article a useful starting point for awards to consider, but should you need help planning which awards to enter, or indeed need help writing your award entries, I strongly recommend using Boost’s team of award entry experts. As the world’s first and largest award entry consultancy, we have helped our clients, including some of the biggest names in the UK Insurance industry, win over 2,000 awards. 

I have personally helped companies enter and win many of the awards outlined above. I would be happy to give you a call to help you double check your chances of success and explain our pricing options. You can contact Boost via our contact form or email me directly via chris.robinson@boost-awards.co.uk

I look forward to hearing from you.


Next steps and further research

Boost – a helping hand entering awards

Boost Awards is the world’s first and largest award entry consultancy, having helped clients – from SMEs to Multinationals – win over 2,000 credible business awards, including most of the customer service award schemes listed. Increase your chances of success significantly – call Boost on +44(0)1273 258703 today for a no-obligation chat about awards.

(C) This article was written by Chris Robinson and is the intellectual property of award entry consultants
Boost Awards

boost award entry writers

Awards List

Please take a look on our UK Awards List and International Awards List websites, where you can find many more customer service awards and awards for contact centres (amongst thousands of others, covering all areas of business).

uk awards list

Boost – a helping hand entering awards

Boost Awards is the world’s first and largest award entry consultancy, having helped clients, from SMEs to Multinationals, win over 2,000 credible business awards, including most of the customer service award schemes listed. Increase your chances of success significantly – call Boost on +44(0)1273 258703 today for a no-obligation chat about awards.

(C) This article was written by Chris Robinson and is the intellectual property of award entry consultants
Boost Awards

boost award entry writers

Awards List

Please take a look on our UK Awards List and International Awards List websites where you can find many more employer-related awards (amongst thousands of others covering all areas of business).

Looking for awards to enter?

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Would you like me to give you a call about entering Insurance Awards?

"I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about insurance awards and discuss the ways our team of award experts can help. Please email me at chris.robinson@boost-awards.co.uk with your contact details and I will be happy to arrange a call. Thanks, Chris


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